Thursday, 13 February 2014

Corrivalry Battle Report, Game 4

Strelkovy Batalon vs Schwere Panzer Company in Free for All

The table in all its glory, it looks even nicer in the flesh.

Plenty of potholes to bog tanks and nice open areas for fire lanes.

122 artillery pieces dig in.

Russian infantry supported by T34's rush for the objective.

It's all over bar the celebrating, Russian Infantry swarm the Hetzers and claim the objective.

Game 4, first thing Sunday morning sees my poor Tigers on Nobby's city table.  This table appears at almost all of his events yet its a nightmare to play on, tanks can not move from one side to the other without needing to take multiple bogging checks.  I probably had the worst list in the world for this table and Vinny was equiped with multiple platoons of infantry.  Added to my woes was the snow side, it had a lot of open lanes and I had a choice, stay in the rubble or die to Kat Killers.  

All was not woe to me, Vinny was a great guy and i had a laugh as he claimed my scalp.  End result, 1- 6 defeat.

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