Thursday, 13 February 2014

Corrivalry Battle Report, Game 5

Tankovy Battalion vs Schwere Panzer Company in Dust Up 

The table after initial setup.

Ben's SU-100s view the distant Tigers, they are both over 40" apart at this stage

CArius and Kersher move into range and penetrate the hulls on two SU-100's promptly failing the firepower checks

CO gets pinged by a long range Kat Killer shot and is bailed out, the Sturmovick flys in after taking flack from the quad 2cm guns.  With one left to range fire rockets the Jabo misses and Carius is safe for another round.

CO, Carius and Kersher open up on the SU-100's again and this time manage to brew two more, the large assault guns then fail the motivation to stay on the table.

Russian air swoops in again, this time the AA cover decimates all whole flight.

My reserves arrive all together, unfortunatly ben has 4 Kat Killers gone to ground hull down on the hill.

The CO and Carius watch for the Russian reserves that HQ has advised are due imminently.

The big assault guns wreck the Tiger tank cheeky enough to have stayed around (I had rapid fire and though that at short range the risk was worth it. It wasn't :))  The Russian airforce swoops in and destroys a Hetzer.

An overview of the current situation.

The Russian reserves finally arrive, Stuarts and Matilda's.

The Hetzer's start to reposition, the Tiger hides waiting for a chance to do something.

With nowhere to hide the Matilda's move up the road and towards the objective.

On the other flank, Matilda's organise a posse to go hunting Hetzer's.

Matilda's open up on the armoured AA and neutralise all three.

Carius and the CO continue to punish the Matlida's whilst Kersher starts on the Stuarts.

Hetzer's target the Stuarts also.

All continue their macabre dance, the Hetzer's finally finish of the platoon.

Matilda's and SU-100's move out to pressure the Hetzer's.  Earlier the lone Tiger had tried to take advange of the SU-100s moving away, lets just say no one was fooled.

Carius and Kersher start to harass the Matilda's whilst the Hetzer's play peekaboo with the Kat Killers, praying that the 2+ stormtrooper keeps them alive.

The Matilda's are finally finished, breaking at the very end.

Hetzer's still taking pot shots at the odd Matilda.

Hetzers continue to withdraw back to the Tiger's.  I still have managed to do nothing more than bail one of the assault guns.

Sturmovik swoops in again yet fails to range in on Carius.

After the Matilda's had been destroyed Ben was on a Company moral check, he past the first two yet third time was the charm for me.  4 - 3 win.

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