Thursday, 12 December 2013

Premium Building Re-paints

In my previous post I showed off my new shiny Premium Subscription Buildings from Battlefront. Unfortunately the painting wasn't up to their usual standard.

Good news, Battlefront contacted it's customers, if we returned the buildings, they would repaint them personally, and we would all get a blister pack for the inconvenience.

Now for a sense of deja vu, lets open this box:

I have taken as many angles as I could, and I think you will agree that the repainted building is of a much higher standard. I have had my Bastogne Church and Corner Shop repainted. I was able to swap out the church today, and hopefully will get my Corner Shop before the weekend; I will post pictures when I do.

Thanks to Battlefront UK for fixing the problem, and quickly. Special thanks to Gareth Richards and Dave Edwards for arranging the replacements and the painting. I got this blister for my inconvenience:

The last platoon missing from my ANZAC force for 'Tour of Duty'. I also collected my prize from Conflict Central 2012 (!) whilst I was there:

These will actually be for my ANZACs as well, they just didn't have any of VUSBX07 left :)


  1. Thanks for showing, it definitely looks better. I'm assuming you got to pick your own blister? With all the costs of air-freighting the buildings, the corrections and compensation (blister), I can't see BF opting to try this again which is a shame as the buildings are very distinct and do look of a high standard

  2. Yes, I got to pick my own blister (but from what they had in the warehouse, ANZAC mortars were about third on my list) and I got to pick my own prize from Conflict.

    I like the buildings, and the re-paints are a marked improvement. I just hope the last three buildings don't have the same problem.
