Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Corrivalry Battle Report, Game 2

Strelkovy Red Army vs Schwere Panzer Company in hold the line

Paul elects to defend from the more open side, this gives him a nice hill to defend from with a large 24" kill zone, this proves to be my undoing.  The Tigers deploy to take as much advantage of the limited cover as possible.

Sturmovik's roll in.

SU 100's pop from ambush.

The Sturmovik nails Kerscher.

Artillery ranges in on CO and the large template bails a Hetzer.

SU 100 ambush nails a Tiger platoon.

The open Russian plains, as seen by the Kat Killers.

A last ditch assault with the Hetzers and CO fails misserbly. 

The game finish's 1 - 6 to me, in what starts to be a theme the SU-100's proved to be the Tiger's achilles heel.

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