Monday, 28 October 2013

Demo games at Chimera Games, and a game at Battlefront

Reluctant Conscripts, as well as being tournament organisers and all round nice guys, are also Rangers. So on Saturday 26th October I ran some demo games of 'Open Fire!' at Chimera Games in Beeston, Nottingham. 4 people played 3 games using the forces from the Open Fire! boxed set, with some appropriate terrain. Hopefully we will have some new players, and new attendees for Reluctant Conscripts events.

I also played a game at Battlefront against Owen a couple of weeks ago, at the same time as Tommy's battle report below. This was Kampgruppe Pieper versus Motostrelkovy in Hold the Line. Although I managed to eventually break the large platoon guarding the front objective, I had to sacrifice too much of my force to do so, and Owen's KV-85s cleaned up any remaining armour. Fearless Trained is a harsh mistress.

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